Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Sun returns!

Blessed Solstice! Happy Yule!
May your hearth fire burn brightly in rather soggy heart of Midwinter.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Welcome, winter. Your late dawns and chilled breath make me lazy, but I love you nonetheless. ~Terri Guillemets

Dear Internetland,

today got worse and worse - so much shovelling! so little to show for it; The more we shovelled the harder it fell.

Why does it not feel as cold when it snows? Two days with the same temperature and the one without snow feels bitterly cold.

Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
And we, we were children once again.
~Bill Morgan, Jr.

I'm kinda hoping it's a cold'un - I want to take my camera out to the lake and to the falls. They're gorgeous in ice.  And lets face it - all those Christmas lights people have out do look magical all buried in snow!

The grand plans for going to a concert got the kibosh due to the weather, so tea and a good book are my Plan B.  Completely acceptable!  Especially if it includes a blankie and kitty snuggles.

snowflakes and hot cocoa,

Thursday, December 12, 2013

forget your holiday stress

Be humble for you are made of Earth.
Be noble for you are made of stars.
~Serbian Proverb